Adding loading="lazy" to all images

This is a rehype plugin for my unified pipeline which runs once the markdown has been converted to HTML.

import { visit } from "unist-util-visit";
import { h } from "hastscript";

 * This plugin adds a `loading="lazy"` attribute to all
 * images in the document.
 * Instead of just setting the loading attribute
 * on the `node` I am creating a new element where
 * `loading` is the first attribute due to a bug
 * in Firefox where the `loading` attribute is not
 * respected unless it comes before `src`.
 * [Firefox bug](
export default () => {
  return (ast) => {
      (x) => x.tagName === "img",
      (node, idx, parent) => {
        parent.children[idx] = h("img", {
          loading: "lazy",

Now all images from my markdown have a loading="lazy" attribute.

You can inspect this example:

<img loading="lazy" src="/img/lazy-docs.png" alt="lazy docs">

lazy docs